The Magic Hummingbird — El Colibrí Mágico

Episode 6 (of 6) — Epilogue — Beyond The Mirror

Jozefius Season 1 Episode 6

Next day, sunrise… ..  the desert sand is wet from the downpour… as the sun stretches one hand up over the precipice, the mountain's shadow blankets a multitude of human shapes … intertwined, snuggled into the warm bosom of the magic mountain….



NARR:  Apollonia floats in the air above a sleeping Francisco… she brushes his fingers with hands of new thorns and soft leafs ... he rises and they stand face to face, hand in hand … as they had in the sacred garden under San Francisco de Asis.. 

 APOLLONIA:  The mountain serpent has done a reset… 

FRANCISCO: Then there is … hope...

APOLLONIA: Return … each summer ... on the full moon after the solstice…. 

IXAZALUOH:  The magic hummingbird and I will greet you … weave the web around you … 

APOLLONIA: … for one night each year return to your form as saguaro …
IXAZALUOH: But now, you must flee away…

ELIAS: The sun is getting hot…

FRANCISCO: Franklin,  your dad …


THE SHAMAN: (Franklin's dads, overhearing):  Follow me …. 

NARR: He leads them around a rock outcropping.

THE CROW: The Preacher told everyone to leave their keys in the ignition - in case we had to flee…  

APOLLONIA:  You move forward into danger… 

IXAZALUOH: Let your heart stay open …

APOLLONIA: Let the challenges _teach_ you ... 

IXAZALUOH: Here is a song to help you remember … 

 APOLLONIA: Sing it in the garden in the morning when the world is new…


Apollonia, Francisco, Clara, Franklin, Travelers & Plant Spirits

You must learn to 
Let go 
to see beyond the mirror 

Realize that you 
can never know 
The pain another heart conceals 
The navigation in the night
of creatures fleeing to the light 

Close your eyes and
Let go 
to see beyond the mirror

Stop and 
look and 
feel and 

the voices floating in the breeze 
The spirits hiding in the trees 
entwined in midnight harmonies 
The morning star above to please 

When you fall 
you fall for all 
so don't neglect to check the earth sand ground dial 

Remember not to hurt 
the ones that you are near to 
the ones that make you fear 
each time you hear 
your inner dragon screaming in the dark-ness 

Stop and 
breathe and 
close your 

We're dancing threads inside a loom 
that's spinning round and round 


Let go 
to see beyond the mirror

Stop and 
look and 
feel and 

the voices floating in the breeze 
The spirits hiding in the trees 
entwined in midnight harmonies 
The morning star above to please 

IXAZALUOH: I’ve been calling to you …