The Magic Hummingbird — El Colibrí Mágico
The Magic Hummingbird — El Colibrí Mágico
Episode 1 (of 6) — Chase The Shadows
Three San Diego, California teen rockers head to Tijuana to perform in a punk club on the TJ boardwalk... One of them, Francisco, was born in Oaxaca, Mexico but doesn't know it. He is visited continuously by visions and struggles to comprehend their meaning, being both scared and fascinated. His bandmates Clara (his soulmate) and Franklin (his sometimes frenemy) struggle with their own issues. Franklin's father is a shaman in a white separatist cult... After their gig Clara and Frankiln chase Franscisco down the beach, into a storm, and they stumble onto a magic hut in the jungle....
— El Colibrí Mágico — The Magic Hummingbird ... A California Story
Story: Joseph Martin Waters
Book: Joseph Martin Waters, Gustavo Alcoser, Michael Gillis
Contributions by Lauren Haughton & Amy Hecht
Lyrics & Music: Joseph Martin Waters
Dialogue adjustment: Jim Bible
Script tuning: Richard Morrison
© 2018-2022 Joseph Martin Waters
Episode 1 “Chase The Shadows”
- Chase The Shadows
- The Border
- Circle of Pain
- Flower (pan pipes and a capella Elias fragment)
- Saint Children
Characters and Cast
- FRANCISCO: (Rudy Alexander Giron) Chicano teen, inwardly sensitive, naturally & unusually cheerful, exuberant, charismatic, intelligent but not well read, serious but unfocused, lives with his mom, from a conservative Mexican family. [Francisco was born in Mexico but does not know it]. He is fun loving, embraces an outward easy-going masculinity; openly gay; is great at music and popular among his classmates; is notoriously location challenged [always getting lost, relies on others to find the way, loses his car in parking lots]; outwardly confident, inwardly riddled by doubt . He’s sincere though naive. He’s naturally an enthusiastic and outspoken team player, who openly embraces and supports what he feels strongly about, without necessarily having thought it through on his own. He tends to trust the values of the group, and tends to channel his charisma to rally others around core beliefs. Understands but does not speak Spanish; is a rock musician [metal/rap/norteno]; senior in high school. Guitarist & singer in band “Border Patrol” w Franklin & Clara
- CLARA: (Rebecca Jade) best friends with Francisco; American, strong-willed, outspoken, sexually active and curious, bilingual, likes to dress like guys, post-feminist, naturally warm, empathetic, politically active [parents are liberal social-democrats]; likes to read, naturally intellectual, gently cajoles Francisco & Frankln when they spout defensive & dismissive doggerel; but senses that they are different people underneath and likes those people; sings in a band with Francisco & Franklin; same age as Francisco & Franklin. Is the gravitational center of the trio, the most focused, most adventurous, most stable, least fragile. Fiercely independent, strong moral compass.
- FRANKLIN: (Leonard Patton) Francisco's rival and “best” frenemy; outwardly smooth, w big, quick smile but edgy & sporadically quick-tempered. Conceals his inner insecurity with sarcasm and swagger. He’s from a white trash background, non-religious, a bit cagey, manipulative, secretly jealous of Francisco’s natural talent and seemingly effortless charisma; is flirtatious, slightly evasive [something about his explanations is always “off“], slightly secretive. He senses the unconscious gap in understanding that separates Francisco & Clara, and exploits it in small ways. He lives on & off with his dad, who has shady, slippery operations. He’s sexy, seductive, with an edge — a bad boy. Inside he often feels desperate and empty. Franklin struggles against his father and his upbringing, and his resultant internalized world view. This has given Franklin a sarcastic surface. He covers his insecurity by being insensitive. Although he seems negative, deep inside he is a survivor, a hero child, unconsciously seeks to escape his negative milieu. His unconscious struggle is to find a way towards becoming a positive, life embracing person. Also a musician [vocalist and rapper]; same age as Francisco and Clara, raps & sings in band “Border Patrol” [w Francisco & Clara]. In love with Clara, and secretly desperate for her attention.. Clara knows this and realizes that she has tremendous power over Franklin. She does not abuse it.
- ELIAS: (Gustavo Alcoser) Honduran caravan refugee leader. kind, calm, clear, strong, a natural leader. Wise beyond his years. Gay but in hiding, due to extreme homophobia in Honduras & Mexico. Meets Francisco in Tijuana; becomes Francisco’s partner, collaborator and soul mate … Older, mid 20s-30s … He’s also a musician (plays panpipes, sings and plays guitar), has invisible feeling communications and connection with Apollonia (though he has never actually spoken with her in words… it’s more of a dream connection, that he is aware of and believes in, but which is also mysterious to him…)
- APOLLONIA (Karen Garcia) curandera [Mexican shamaness] – a mystical being, part human and part plant .. Her spirit possesses Francisco, guides him … she appears in visions and in person…
- THE PREACHER - (Charles Coleman) Cult leader - white separatist survivalist gang based in east county, San Diego… brilliant, crazy socio-path… craves power - is charismatic - has read Machiaveli - believes in the augaries of Roman mythology -
- IXAZALUOH (Karen Garcia) four year old member of the Honduran refugees, whose mother was recently killed at the camp by vigilantes.
- SKELETON-ROSE: (Kathleen Waters) - ageless mystical being encountered by Francisco in the catacombs of St. Francis church in Tijuana
- THE CROW: (Clyde Kimball) Franklin’s father: survivalist cult shaman, tied in with gang, drug addict - has done jail time ... single father: low self esteem, isolated from self, prone to sudden outbursts of violent anger, abuse and bullying… but has a mystical side - is a shaman - and speaks the language of the crows
- ARNOLD: (Jim Bible) white separatist gang member and enforcer
- FLASH - (John Young) white separatist survivalist gang member and enforcer, minor role
- POOL PARTY HOST (Susan Haynes)
- STAGE MANAGER (Olivia Graeve) at TJ punk club
- Plant Spirits: (Mariam Mouawad, Philip Gomez, Cat Rojo) mystical beings connected with Apollonia
- Border guard (Jim Bible)
- Human Trafficker (Pollero) (Daniel Castro)
- FRANCISCO’S MOM (Karen Garcia) strong, loving Mexican mom
- Macaw (Brazil) companion and confidante of The Preacher
- Narrator: Joseph Martin Waters
Musicians: Geoffrey Burleson (piano), Todd Rewoldt (saxophones), Ian Buss (tenor saxophone), Daniel Castro (acoustic guitar, electric guitar, electric bass, mandolin), Daniel Pate (percussion), Christopher Jon Allis (percussion), Antonina Styczen (piccolo, flute, alto flute, bass flute)
NARR: “The Magic Hummingbird” ...
This is a story about borders, between each of us, between life and death, plants and animals, sleeping and waking, nations, between those who are part of our clan and those on the outside …,
It is an ancient saga, and universal ...
… interpreted by our guides: Apollonia, a mystical being, half human and half plant… and a little girl and her imaginary friend, a magic hummingbird
Act I, Scene 1
NARR: Episode one, rural San Diego, California, the bedroom of Francisco, who lives with his mom in a weathered stucco. He was born in the mountains of Oaxaca but doesn’t know it. He and his pals Clara and Franklin make up the vocal trio “Border Patrol”... There's a guitar on a stand in the corner with car keys dangling off the tuning pegs. Francisco is in a distracted frenzy, madly fussing with his hair while juggling pants and shirt .... He hears a clattering at the window, swirls and sees a hummingbird stuck with its long narrow beak poking through the screen. He rushes over, gently flexes the top of the screen, allowing the creature to wriggle free.. It hovers for a split second, observing, then turns and flies swiftly away into the upper branches of a towering pepper tree … He imagines the hummingbird being chased by a little girl and as the two disappear into the distant branches he sees the face of a beautiful woman, high in the crown, whose hair disappears into vines entangled in the leaves...
He startles awake, scrambles for car keys, glances up, rolls his eyes at the stained bath mirror:
SONG: “Gotta Chase the Shadows pt1 continues ”
There’s a hole in your pocket
NARR: He pats himself down, wags his finger at his blurry features in the yellowed glass:
You put in your keys
and where do they go?
(spoken) “UGH! Where DID they go?” (he sighs)
There's something floating in the air
beneath your window at night
NARR: In the mirror he sees a flickering image … behind his eyes … peering back at him ...
a doorway glowing in the darkness
a portal hidden from the light
a place you must go
Ya gotta chase the shadow
NARR: He spots his keys, grabs them with his guitar and whirls into the hallway where he is stopped dead in his tracks by his mom.
MOTHER: (in a stern voice) FRAN-CIS-CO. Y tu chamarra?! (And your jacket?!)
FRANCISCO: (speaking imploringly) Mom… it’s summer!
MOTHER: Que summer, ni qué ocho cuartos! Ten! (“Summer, my foot! Here!)
NARR: She hands him a jacket.
MOTHER: Y no vas a almorzar algo? (And you’re not having something for lunch?)
FRANCISCO: (impatiently) Mom, I’m late!
MOTHER: Ay muchacho! Siempre corriendo y nunca llegando... (Always running and never arriving…) No van a ir a Tijuana, verdad? (You’re not going to Tijuana, right?)
FRANCISCO: (exacerbated) NO MOM! I told you we’re going to play at a pool party here, then up in LA tonight.
MOTHER: Te escuché anoche en el teléfono con Clara. Porque ya te dije que es muy peligroso y no quiero que algo te pase! (I overheard you on the phone with Clara last night… Because I already told you that it is very dangerous and I don't want something to happen to you!)
MOTHER: Siempre me traes con el Jesus en la boca… Ten.(You always have me praying to Jesus for you.”)
NARR: He turns to leave, then returns and bows down to her level.
MOTHER: Que Dios te bendiga, mi hijo… (May God bless you, my son…) (more sternly) Pero te cuidas! (But take care of yourself!)
FRANCISCO: (endearingly) I promise, momma.
MOTHER: hey! … Wait!Wait!Wait! )... felicidades!!
FRANCISCO: It’s nothing…. I didn’t …(pauses)
MOTHER: (she cuts him off)... It’s NOT nothing ...
FRANCISCO: (turns makes a face) It’s not SOMETHING ….
MOTHER: … it’s a SCHOLARSHIP … it’s a chance ...
FRANCISCO: I didn’t ask for it… I don’t even know…
MOTHER: … (incredulously)... go to college!? You don’t know!?…
FRANCISCO: … Just.. ok forget it! Thanks mom - love you!
MOTHER: … (worriedly, praying, trailing off into her thoughts…) Dear Jesus, that boy, what’s going to happen to him?… please keep him under your eye… bueno cha cha ...
Act 1 - Scene 2
- NARR: Scene 2, suburban San Diego, California, It’s a beautiful afternoon — perfect SoCAL summer weather. there’s a pool party brewing… Clara and Franklin arrive together… Francisco’s late.. As usual...
PARTY HOST: [yells aloud excitedly, making an announcement] Hey everybody! “Border Patrol” has arrived! (crowd cheers) (to Clara) Hey you guys ... so great you could make it!!
CLARA: Awesome to be here!
PARTY HOST: (to Clara) - we have some loops set up and a karaoke machine - What about if you lip-sync one of your hits?
CLARA: We can do it live… you know Francisco’s not here yet but Franklin & I can wing it! FRANKLIN: (aside sarcastically to Clara) ... Probably lost his car again…
CLARA: I mean it’s a party not a gig.. No big deal ...He’ll be with us tonight in TJ...
(to the audience) Hi - glad to be here with so many of our posse, warming up for our gig tonight where we’ll be on the ground with y’all in TJ! …
CLARA & FRANKLIN “The Boundary, pt. 1”
I see you walking
beyond the line
Your lips are moving
Do you see mine?
I see you talking
What do you say?
Should I be looking
The other way?
Should we pretend
that I don't see you?
Can we defend
our world of yesterday?
If my eyes greet you
will they betray
Should we begin again
or walk the other way
Tomorrow enters like a sexy stranger
a smooth deceiver smiling cross the floor
He waves as though we surely know the answer
In the candle light
Then bows with finger to his lips and dances out the door
Act I, Scene 3
NARR: … on the freeway… Francisco’s races to join the others …
FRANCISCO (SINGING to himself and an imaginary audience)
On the beaches
hidden in the sand
in the water
beneath the waves
There's a rumble coming
a song emerging
a melody
A quiver
something stirring deep inside
a gentle whisper in the shadows
Join me in the stillness
That's where we'll be calling
SearchIng for the (FADE)
NARR: The laughing little girl reappears. She is in tattered clothes outside his car. She waves at him and he waves back. She laughs. He laughs.
IZAZALUOH: giggles (over narration)
NARR: He fidgets with the radio. … looks out at the sky … the moving side view of the highway slows to a halt … the woman of the pepper tree is in the clouds… staring at him … her lips are moving ... her voice comes out of the speaker
I am here
With you always
Never fear
I am here
NARR: Francisco shakes off the hallucination and continues driving. He’s foggy. The hummingbird flies past and across the highway to an exit leading away from the party, to the beach. He absent mindedly follows, and before long his car is heading not to the pool party but instead to a tiny surfer beach, hidden from bathers… lonely and rocky ....
Act I, Scene 4
Meanwhile back at the pool party ...
CLARA & FRANKLIN “The Boundary, pt. 2”
CLARA (rapping)
Compassion is hard
out in the yard
FRANKLIN (rapping)
Now I know just who you are
You keep your heart locked up in a jar
I’m sure you feel the same toward me
Is this what we call empathy?
BOTH (hocket)
Say it Say it Say it Say it
Is this what we call empathy?
I want to surrender
explain those crazy lies
or at least attempt a signal
to apologize
I can’t believe
but you can't see me waving
We fought so hard
no matter what you say
When you called I left and shut the door
if we turn and walk the other way
(Chorus 2)
Is that really you out on the border
In the desert haze
or is it just a ghost a memory
A shape above my bed
At night my pillow soft becomes your shoulder
At night I can hear your sigh
The voices in the wind your spirit calling out to me
A quiet weeping
just beyond the wall
When we are losing
we lose for all
I see you walking
You're walking tall
but when they fell you
Where will you fall?
(Chorus 3)
Should we just pretend we have an answer?
Is there a magic spell that we can say?
a soft refrain a tune we may remember
To help us thru the night each time that darkness wins the day
No we can’t know the trouble
in the wind
No matter what we say
We lock the door and throw away the key...
When we turn
and walk the other way.
Act I, Scene 5
NARR: Francisco's at the beach, he's forgotten completely about the party. He walks out on the sand, looking out and up...
Singing let's our spirits fly
out of our heads into the sky
but it's not enough
There is something hiding
gliding in the waves
Disguised by the reflection
of the surfing sun
We got to follow the shadows
The fleeting shadows in the water
Flirting with ghosts that we cannot see
We hear the whispers call to be free
from beneath the waves
Everywhere we go,
Behind the palms
Beneath the sands
Beyond the clouds
Touching our hands
The whisper's calling
Touch of a leaf
casually passing by
pulling gently at your little finger
sends an image to the sky
What are we looking for?
Who do we seek?
Can we fulfill this waking dream
Can we pour ourselves in?
Pull the world along beside us
Drag the sky behind us
Like a kite on a string
Someone is reaching out
Voices are calling
NARR: The woman appears in the fog…
I am here
With you always
Never fear
I am here
I am you
You are me
We are with the wise ones
The gods
Bless us
CLARA: Hey Mr. Ivy League,
FRANCISCO: Ivy League!? Oooph… please….
CLARA: you OK? Just checkin’ .. are you comin’? it’s a great party… Franklin & I just sang our new Spotify tune … everybody knew it! It was dope! They sang along!
FRANCISCO: I.. I’m sorry! (searching for words) It’s, it’s just that there was this woman
CLARA: Woman? Since when are you interested in women...?
FRANCISCO: No, it’s not like that…
FRANKLIN: (irritated) DUDE, just get your ass over here already!
FRANCISCO: Ok, ok, ok… 5 minutes
Act I, Scene 6
NARR: But he never makes it… Later that evening, The band has a gig at “El Canton” a punk club on the boardwalk on the beach in Tijuana ... Clara and Franklin are in a rough narrow alley that serves as a green room. It dead ends at the stage door. At the foot of the alley, they see the long shadow of a piper … Folks can be seen in the alley opening some 30 feet away, silhouettes in the sunset... .
STAGE MANAGER: Hey Border Patrol - you're up in five .. cinco minutos … come on
CLARA: (to Franklin) He’ll be here...
FRANKLIN: He’s out… this is bullshit… We never should have just let him wander off .. in one of his moody hazes… he’ll never find this bar …
CLARA: … you started it ...
FRANKLIN: What about this afternoon … (mockingly) he’s too good …
CLARA: you’re sounding like your dad
FRANKLIN: (snaps angrily) Don’t talk shit about my dad .. At least he was there, where the hell was my mom? … so just shut up about it, but that’s not me… (getting worked up) those “visions” - it’s bullshit - it’s just stage fright .. every time…
CLARA: What's eating you?
FRANKLIN: He doesn't do anything, it just falls in his lap…
CLARA:(a lightbulb goes off)you’re jealous!...
FRANKLIN: We should have cancelled. Did you hear the weather?
CLARA: Don’t change the…
FRANKLIN: … I have a bad feeling … There’s a freak typhoon down in Baja...
STAGE MANAGER: Hey where’s your guy? Two minutes here
FRANCISCO: (clearly shaken) I can’t do it.... You guys go out there …
FRANKLIN: (furious) shut it drama queen, I don’t want to hear it — move.
NARR: Franklin grabs Francisco …
CLARA: (yelling) leave him alone!
FRANCISCO: these weird visions …
FRANKLIN: (angry intensity) you’re not going to screw this up again...
NARR: He shoves hard … Francisco stumbles out ... They grab the mics
— CIRCLE OF PAIN — (Clara, Franklin and Francisco in 3 part harmony)
Goggles foggin' up
time to move your feet
float across the floor
now surrender
to the rhythm
Can you feel the beat?
Just close your eyes
Let us turn up the heat
'cause you're ready for dancin'
Act I, Scene 6
NARR: It’s hours earlier … a dingy motorcycle repair joint in Lakeside … At the back of the shop, behind the naked engine of a chopped Harley, two gang enforcers with bulging arms corner a scrawny tattooed birdman , The Crow …
ARNOLD: … preacher says we gotta clean this up already...
CROW: my kids’ off again with his punk rock band buddies down in Tijuana at some punk club…
ARNOLD: Ya , well, he better get his sweet ass back here in time for the jump.
CROW: I don’t know why you care so much that he’s involved ...
ARNOLD: Preacher says he's straying ... needs to get his commitment to something that he can't walk away from, he needs to show his mettle, he needs to show what he's made of.
CROW: yeah but isn’t that kind of heavy? He’s pretty young for …
ARNOLD: Dude, you getting soft? we've been watching you ya know. you've got a debt coming due.
CROW: just saying, he’ll be there… he’s got the fear of the Lord ...
ARNOLD: he better, for your sake... and you both better have a RIGHTEOUS FEAR OF THE PREACHER !! He doesn't play games , and he doesn't give a ratsass of what happens to people who are disloyal to the path.
CROW: I don’t …. I don’t know if I have the … the...
ARNOLD: the what.... keep talking bro.
Act I, Scene 7
NARR: Back in Tijuana …
We're takin 'off
Now the earth is movin' fast
Dancin' in your head
Shoulder's shakin'
Eyes are burning red
It's time to feel
Time to synchronize
to stop from dyin'
Act I, Scene 8
NARR: Back at the garage tension blooms like a flame thrower revving up …
CROW: You know… the … the Connection … I think I’m losing it… I ... just can’t (looking inside) … seem … to find it … lately ...
ARNOLD: (voice rising) you better find it fast, you’re the shaman … start singing … now!
NARR: At Arnold’s signal the third man leaps up - slams the door shut. They grab the crow, force him to the floor.. Arnold plants his knee into his neck ...
ARNOLD: I said start singing!
NARR: Suddenly he releases his knee
ARNOLD: that’s it … you’re pathetic (shoves him away with his foot)...Tomorrow, we’re going in at dawn… be here, you and your kid… or we’ll come for you.. And you better find your voice before tonight’s service… Now get lost...
NARR: The crow slinks away ...
Act I, Scene 9
NARR: Back at “El Canton”, the trio rips into the climax:
It's time to feel
Time to synchronize
to stop from dyin'
[chorus 2]
Climbing in to the cockpit
Check the radar on the ground
No drones flying over head
start the countdown
and pull back the throttle
slow at first
but prepare for the bursting lights
those are soaring jewels
wings of your soul
NARR: A mosh pit forms. Franklin leaps into the crowd …
We want
NARR: The piper appears …
We want
We want We want We want We want We want We want
We want We want We want We want We want We want We want
We want instant hooks
got no time to waste
NARR: … piper and girl vanish .
we're ready to fly
time to leave
time to rise
on the wings of a dove
from our circle of pain
time to grab the sky
and throw it into orbit
Act I, Scene 10
NARR: After their set, out on the boardwalk… intermittent gusts of wind come whistling up land then disappear… It’s Saturday night. A line of dance clubs and bars hugs the beach, just beyond the high tide mark. the three drift along the boardwalk... People are coming and going, couples and groups… but folks are thinning. There are a few drops in the air, and the wind is picking up…
FRANKLIN: That went better than expected. But you guys have to keep up with me, I can’t carry the tempo all the….
CLARA: just shut it Frank - you dropped some notes to - hey we’re in Mexico - let’s check out the boardwalk… there’s a Nortena metal club ...
FRANKLIN: I need to get home - my dad gets mad and I don’t want to cross him. And the weather’s getting raw..
FRANCISCO: (angry, half under his breath, mumbles passive-aggressively) yeah … right...
CLARA: hey what’s up… ? you OK?
FRANCISCO: (sulking) .. nothing…
NARR: He hears something, looks up and sees the piper. Francisco does a double take,… then slowly walks closer.... The piper fixes his eyes squarely on Franklin,
FRANKLIN: what are you looking at?
All I know
FRANKLIN: what are you looking at? PIPER (ELIAS):
Es ob-vi-o can't you see
We’ve got to em-brace
If we want to be free
PIPER (ELIAS): Buenas tardes amigo! Al mal tiempo, buena cara.
(At bad weather, happy face.) Why the long face? The wind is whispering … change is in the air...
FRANCISCO: “change is in the air…”
FRANKLIN: (sarcastically) Yeah change is right … Let’s go - this is weird...
PIPER (ELIAS): (to Francisco, glancing at Franklin) Debajo del sayal hay mal
FRANKLIN: (to Fransisco, demanding) … what’s he saying?
PIPER (ELIAS): Go… El que no arriesga, no gana.
(If you don’t take risks, you cannot win).
CLARA: (Cutting in) We really should be going—
FRANCISCO: (moonstruck, to the busker) where?
NARR: The piper points down the beach, out beyond the end of the boardwalk… where a dense jungle grows right up to the sand… it’s getting dark, a heavy fog has rolled in. and a few drops of rain are hitting their faces…
PIPER (ELIAS): Just trust your visions… Don’t be afraid…
NARR: Francisco hesitates …,
PIPER (ELIAS): Go on… quickly...
NARR: … then runs off …
toma tiempo learn
another tongue
PIPER (ELIAS): (shouting after him) If you want to find me follow the music...
FRANKLIN: What the hell ... There he goes again - off on one of his tantrums
CLARA: (Clara starts off after Fransisco) (alarmed) .. come on! -
FRANKLIN: let him go - why you always babying him?
CLARA: this is new … something’s wrong.. a storm is coming.... we have to get him …
CLARA & FRANKLIN: (alternately calling while running) Francisco - wait… (several times)
NARR: … by now the storm is in full force - a cold hard rain is beating their faces, it’s fully dark… they are far down the beach. Clara grabs his shoulder and pulls hard…
(All three teens speaking loudly, above the storm)
CLARA : (over the storm, up close, intense, talking directly into Fransisco’s ear, above the wind) We’re lost!We need to start heading back!
FRANKLIN: (shivering, voice quivering) Brrrrrrrrrr ……… yeah!... It’s getting worse… I’m freezing… and soaked..
FRANCISCO: (with wonder) Wait! No..!!. Look! Over there in the trees …. at the edge of the sand It looks warm, …. Dry…
CLARA : (To Francisco, with rising alarm, concerned for her dear friend and not sure that he isn’t seeing something...) what?!? What are you talking about?!? What do you see?
FRANKLIN: (angrily and fearfully… freaking out) There CAN’T be anything over there! It’s just your crazy imagination … We need to get out ‘a here! C’MON .... the road’s this way… FRANCISCO: (With slow deliberation - having a revelation while speaking, w a sense of wonder) …. wait!! … I… have …. seen this place… I’ve been here …
NARR: A soft yellow light pokes through the jungle at the edge of the sand …
SONG: “Saint Children"
Let out. Let out
NARR: A willowy figure beckons with hands made of leaves...
Let out
your curious tongue
NARR: … They are drawn into a hut of plant spirits
Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear?
Secret garden lies before you
Hidden From your eyes
NARR: The lady of the clouds leads them
In the secret garden
The orchestra is playing
NARR: They dance in a slow circle …
Be Still, Listen!
Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear?
The wind in the leaves
NARR: The trio joins in.
Transforms the breath
Of the little saints
And the breath
Carries the voices
Singing together
Be Still, Listen!
Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear?
A tapestry of voices
Can you hear?
Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear
APOLLONIA (speaking to Francisco) We have been waiting. You will need your friends to understand.
Act I, Scene 11
NARR: Cut away to another night gathering. Deep in the desert, east of San Diego, 37 figures are gathered around a bonfire: singing and drumming. Leading them is the crow, cloaked in the headdress of a raven … The others begin to join in with him …as he sings he twirls, and as his backside floats past one can see scars and burns…
Act I, Scene 12∫
NARR: Meanwhile...back inside Apollonia’s magic hut … Clara, Franklin and Francisco are overcome with longing...
ning ning ning ning
Let out your curious tongue
Let me place in your mouth
The sacred children
NARR: She places a small fruit on each tongue
This is the reason
That you came
This is the reason
That you are here
Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear? Can you hear?
Ancient rhymes
And fugue
What is the message?
NARR: They float, their hands have become leaves…
Aaaah Aaaah
Let the little saints
Lead you down
Once again
Back to the secret garden